IngotCRM is a CRM system developed to help you manage your agents, leads, and documents. It contains Login/Logout, CRUD, Third party API, Filter, Pagination, and more functional stuff.
Tech stack: Django, HTML, TailwindCSS, JavaScript, Jquery
I used Django, HTML, TailwindCSS, JavaScript, Jquery, Paypal API, and some modules for Django (Django-crispy-forms, Django-environ, Django-filter, Django-jquery, Django-PayPal).
The best part was implementing custom form preload data and a search filter for documents. Working with API was fine too. If only I had hidden my confidential data within the environment before...
Ingot Store
Ingot Store is an E-commerse demo website to sell products. It is built using Django with REST Framework for backend and React for frontend.
Tech stack: Django, REST API, React, Redux, Bootstrap
Ingot Store
Built while progressing through course. Using React with Redux for Frontend and Django for API calls. Contain integration with PayPal. Site has different rights and availabilities for unregistered/registered and admin users. Cart items are saved in LocalStorage, so after page reload they won't disapear. Connected to PostgreSQL Cloud Database on Railway (Demo). You can connect it to your own local/cloud database.
Some of the knowledge gains: Auth with JWT tokens, REST API, Gunicorn, Admin view, Reviews + Rating system, Heroku deploy, React basics, LocalStorage, State Flow, React-Bootstrap.
Password Generator
PassGen is my old project that helped to generate pseudo-random passwords and saved them directly to the clipboard.
Tech stack: Python, Tkinter, JSON
Password Generator
My goal was to create an exe file. I did it like really fast. But, after that, I wanted to adapt my password generator with the settings page.
I used secrets lib for a more secure pseudo-random generator, JSON for the settings file, and pyperclip to save passwords in the clipboard. Also, I played a little bit with styles using CTk.
PS: Option secured/unsecured means whether the secrets or random library is in use.
Django Filters
Created for practicing filters using Django. I didn't use Jquery or Dynamic Requests here for filtering, so I guess it is not as dynamic as it sounds.
Tech stack: Django, HTML, Bootstrap
Django Filters
It was a great experience to learn a little about REST API and its usage in Views. Besides, I practiced a lot with filtering using different request handling.
I feel great and confident in static filtering after this project. I started implementing filtering in my IngotCRM project but eventually dived into it.